ASU-Beebe is proud to announce the establishment of the Shane Broadway Public Health Distinguished Student Scholarship presented by Gina Rains, owner of Economic Recovery Consultants, Inc. of Searcy.
“As a 1988 graduate of what was then Foothills Vocational Technical School and now ASU-Beebe, it is such an honor to give back and assist a student with a scholarship like this and help them achieve their goals in life," said Rains.
The $500 scholarship is intended for a single parent enrolled in the nursing program, who is a resident of White County and has maintained a 3.0 grade point average.
The scholarship was named in honor of Shane Broadway, who has served the Arkansas State University System as Vice President for University Relations since 2015.
Shane Broadway remarked, “I am extremely honored that this scholarship will go to help a parent achieve their education toward a career in health care.”
“We are excited that the scholarship will support a student pursuing a career in nursing, and we would like to thank Gina Rains and her company for their generosity,” said Dr. Jennifer Methvin, ASU-Beebe Chancellor. “The scholarship also honors our friend and colleague Shane Broadway, who has served the state for many years in higher education and government. We are quite fortunate to have him in the ASU System.”
If anyone would like to contribute to the Shane Broadway Public Health Distinguished Student Scholarship, contact the Advancement Office at ASU-Beebe at 501-882-8855 and a foundation representative will be happy to assist you.
Applicants can view more information about scholarships at the following link: www.giveasub.com/scholarship.
Gina Rains is owner of Economic Recovery Consultants, Inc. of Searcy, a private collection agency since 1996, with membership in the American Collectors Association International. For more information, view the website at: https://economic-recoveryinc.com/.
For more information about ASUB programs, call 501-882-3600, or visit the website at www.asub.edu.