Foundation scholarships at Arkansas State University-Beebe have been privately funded throughout the years by generous donors who share a passion for the success and education of students who choose ASU-Beebe as their school. Total private funded scholarships awarded for the 2020-2021 academic year is $87,560.
Traditionally ASU-Beebe hosts an “Evening of Thanks” scholarship reception in October that allows each scholarship recipient to meet their donor and family. This year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, a virtual display of scholarship recipients was created.
Students receiving scholarships represented all of the ASU-Beebe campuses located in Beebe, Heber Springs, Searcy, the Little Rock Air Force Base, and online.

ASU-Beebe Development Council Endowment Scholarship was awarded to Molly Wilson of Searcy, health sciences major and Grayson Fields of Sherwood, criminal justice major. The ASU-Beebe Development Council is a group of community leaders and friends of the college, who combine efforts to secure private funding and increase endowments to benefit students choosing to attend ASU-Beebe.
Billy F. Powell Scholarship was awarded to Savannah Watkins of Pangburn, education major. The scholarship was established by Mary Powell in 2011 in memory of her husband Billy Powell, an instructor of psychology at ASU-Beebe at the time of his death.
Brenda Shurley Endowment Scholarship was awarded to Hannah Garringer of Searcy, elementary education major. The scholarship was endowed in 2005, and is made available by Brenda Shurley of Cabot, owner of the Shurley Method.
Brinkley Foundation Scholarship was awarded to Carson Rackley of Heber Springs. The Brinkley Scholarship is presented to an incoming freshman who has a high school grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
Business and Professional Women of Heber Springs Scholarship was awarded to Ileana Shott of Heber Springs, business major. The Business and Professional Women of Heber Springs established the scholarship to be given to a resident of Cleburne County who attends ASU-Beebe Heber Springs and maintains a 3.0 grade point average or higher.
Charles and Regina Stuart Endowment Scholarship was awarded to Brandon Sartain of Drasco, business major. Charles and Regina Stuart are longtime supporters of Cleburne County and the historical society.
Cleburne County Memorial Chapter 1757 UDC Scholarship was awarded to Andrea Detour of Bee Branch, liberal arts and sciences major. The scholarship was established to further higher education pursuits of the recipients.
Denver and Ruby Nettles Scholarship was awarded to Cade McKee of Pangburn, agriculture major and Ashton McKenzie of Beebe, agriculture major. The Denver and Ruby Nettles scholarship was established in memory of both Ruby and Denver E. Nettles, a former assistant professor and division chair of the agriculture department at ASU-Beebe.
Doris Sue Whittaker Endowment Scholarship was awarded to Jody Morphew of Cabot, nursing major. The Doris Sue Waddle-Whittaker Scholarship was endowed in 2004 by the family as a memorial to the former student and nurse, and is awarded to a nursing student.
Dr. Diane Tiner Logan Endowment Scholarship was awarded to Carly Jo Cooper of Concord, education major. The Dr. Diane Tiner Logan Endowment Scholarship is given to an education major, and was established in honor of Dr. Tiner Logan, the former vice chancellor of the ASU-Beebe Heber Springs campus.
Dr. Judy McKay Scholarship was awarded to Allysa Martin of Searcy, health sciences major and William Yancey of Searcy, Computer Systems and Network Technology major. The scholarship was given in memory of Dr. Judy McKay, retired associate professor of English.
Dr. Hazel C. Dickey Endowment Scholarship was awarded to AIlison Peirce of Heber Springs, business accounting major. The Dr. Hazel C. Dickey Endowment Scholarship is given to a business major, and was established in honor of Dr. Hazel Dickey, retired chair of the business and agriculture departments at ASU-Beebe and advisor for Arkansas State University.
Dr. Ruth Couch Endowment Scholarship was awarded to Ronnie Grice of Vilonia, general studies major; Abbi Lewis of Cabot, health sciences major; Jennifer JoAnn Miller of Judsonia, liberal arts and sciences major; Lincoln Smith of Cabot, criminal justice major; Ollie Green of Jacksonville, liberal arts and sciences major; Savannah Lane of Vilonia, education major; Tara Lea Forste of Beebe, pre-nursing major; Tegan Reynolds of Searcy, business major; Trey D. McCarty of Humnoke, Diesel Technology major; Kailey Terry of Romance, health sciences major. The scholarship was established by the late Dr. Ruth L. Couch, emeritus professor of English and former vice chancellor for Academic Affairs.
E.H. “Doc” and Ruth Abington Scholarship was awarded to Anthony Conklin of Cabot, business major. The E.H. “Doc” and Ruth Abington Scholarship was established in 1999 to further the education of students in the community.
England Challenge Scholarship was awarded to Kylie Jones of Cabot, elementary education major. The scholarship was endowed in 1996 by the late Walter England, emeritus associate professor of education and former ASU-Beebe Dean, to benefit students pursuing a career in teaching.
Eoff Family Endowment Scholarship was awarded to Autumn Berreckman of Fort Smith, Veterinary Technology major and Xavier Young of Conway, fine arts major. The Eoff Family Scholarship was endowed in 2006 by Cathy Eoff, owner of Eoff & Associates Realty in Beebe, as a tribute to her family for their dedication to education.
Heber Springs General Scholarship was awarded to Zachary Sartain of Drasco, wildlife biology major and Carson Rackley of Heber Springs. The scholarship was established by the ASU-Beebe Heber Springs Campus Development Council, which is a group of community leaders and friends of the college.
James and Wilma Beard Endowment Scholarship was awarded to Morgan Rainwater of Monticello, psychology major and Brittany Gibson of Vilonia, health sciences major. The scholarship was established by the late Wilma Beard, long-time chair of the English and Fine Arts Division, in memory of her husband, James Beard.
Jeannie Lindsey Scholarship was awarded to Emily Wrigley of Hickory Plains, education major. The scholarship was established in honor of Jeannie Lindsey, former chair of the education and social sciences departments, retiring after 37 years of service.
Judd Hill Foundation Health Profession Scholarship was awarded to Grace Hinebaugh of Greenbrier, health sciences major; Bailey Jones of Pangburn, health sciences major; Kayley Teague of Heber Springs, health sciences major; and Mykah Webb of Drasco, health sciences major. The scholarship was established by Mike Gibson, trustee of the Judd Hill Foundation, which was established to improve health care and agriculture in Arkansas.
Larry Sims Agriculture Scholarship was awarded to Sarah Gaskin of Bald Knob, agriculture major. The scholarship was established by Marchia Sims, retired ASU-Beebe employee, in memory of her husband Larry Sims, who was a long-time employee of the Arkansas Plant Board.
Leon and Virginia Shanack Endowment Scholarship was awarded to Alexanderia McMaster of Lonoke, Veterinary Technology major. The Leon and Virginia Shanack Scholarship was established by a former ASU-Beebe employee in honor of her parents.
Lillian and Mark Barnett Endowment Scholarship was awarded to Julio Rubio of Heber Springs, biology major. This scholarship was established by the children of Lillian and Mark Barnett as a memorial to their parents and is available to a Heber Springs graduate.
Marvin and Geraldine Speight Educational Scholarship was awarded to Alexandra Vrendenburg of Pineville, Veterinary Technology. The Marvin and Geraldine Speight Educational Scholarship was established in 2016 by Arkansas Community Foundation in honor of long-time ASU-Beebe basketball coach and education professor Coach Marvin Speight.
Memorial Scholarships were awarded to Joshua Main of Quitman, computer technology major; Olivia Booker of Mt. Vernon, criminology major; and Brionna Wise of Austin, business major. The Memorial Scholarships were established in memory of faculty members Michael Kelly, Assistant Professor of English; Windell Dillard, Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems; and Darlene Butler, Assistant Professor of Mathematics.
Robin Hayes Inspirational Achievement Scholarship in Business was awarded to Douglas McCartney of Beebe, business major. The Robin Hayes Inspirational Achievement Scholarship is given to a business major and was established in honor of Robin Hayes, retired ASU-Beebe Director of Admissions.
Robin Hayes Inspirational Achievement Scholarship in Health Science was awarded to Emilee Johnson of Des Arc, health sciences major. The Robin Hayes Inspirational Achievement Scholarship is given to a health science major and was established in honor of Robin Hayes, retired ASU-Beebe Director of Admissions.
Resident Student Scholarship was awarded to Tremere Shell of Searcy, psychology major. The Resident Student Scholarship is given to student living on campus and is based on academic achievement and campus involvement.
R.V. Powell Agriculture Scholarship was awarded to Emily Taylor of Jonesboro, agriculture major, and Madison Welch of McCrory, agriculture major. The R.V. Powell Scholarship was established in memory of R.V. Powell, a longtime local businessman and friend of ASU-Beebe.
Sharae Elizabeth Jones Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Grant Dunivan of Bentonville, theater major. The Sharae Elizabeth Jones Memorial Scholarship, formerly known as Jones Family Trust, is given in memory of Sharae Jones, to a full-time student, who is not a recipient of a federally funded grant.
Spradlin Family Scholarship was awarded to Litzi Martinez-Olvera of McRae, general education major. The Spradlin Family Scholarship is available to a high school graduating senior, who plans to attend ASU-Beebe and major in math and science related courses.
Steven Storm Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Shana Banks of Quitman, health sciences major. The Steve Storm Memorial Scholarship was established in 2011 in memory of Steven Storm, who was the first instructor of math and science at ASU-Beebe Heber Springs Campus and served on the ASU-Beebe Heber Springs Development Council.
Vernon H. and Mary I. Wold Endowment Scholarship was awarded to Zoie Rose of Heber Springs, business major. The scholarship provides for students attending ASU-Beebe Heber Springs campus who maintain at least a 2.5 grade point average each semester.
Veterinary Technology Program Scholarship was awarded to Karen Gallegos of Alexander, Veterinary Technology major. The Veterinary Technology program prepares students to assist licensed veterinarians in providing healthcare services.
W. H. Owen Jr. Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Nasasha Smith of Beebe, theater major. The scholarship was established in memory of former ASU-Beebe chancellor W. H. Owen Jr.
"We congratulate these high achieving scholarship recipients," said Rose Mary Jackson, Associate Vice Chancellor of Institutional Advancement. "We are also grateful for the generosity of the donors for making these scholarships possible."
For more information about ASU-Beebe Foundation Scholarships available, view the webpage link at
To establish or contribute to an ASU-Beebe scholarship, contact the ASU-Beebe Office of Institutional Advancement at (501) 882-8855, or visit the website at