Making it easy to transfer to ASU-Jonesboro!
ASU-Beebe Chancellor Dr. Jennifer Methvin (left) joins with A-State Chancellor Dr. Kelly Damphousse in displaying the "Wolves Up" following the signing of a transfer agreement on Friday, Sept. 21 at the A-State campus in Jonesboro. The transfer agreement will make it easier for ASU-Beebe students to transfer to A-State to continue their pursuit of advanced degrees in 68 possible career pathways.
Ideas that shape our future rarely come from lone minds!
Both Andrea Cole, Development Officer from ASU-Beebe and Lindsey Reynolds, Community Relations Coordinator from ASU-Beebe Heber Springs have joined a group of leaders from the Beebe and Heber Springs communities to attend the Uncommon Communities Cohort 2020 program at the Winthrop Rockefeller Institute.
Andrea Cole said, “We take great pride in the community we live and as leaders in this community it is our job to have the right tools and knowledge to make Beebe and White County a great place to live and work!”

According to Lindsey Reynolds, "This opportunity will be an impacting force to help spur community involvement, development, and awareness. The information provided was informative and practical to bring back to Heber Springs for our team to begin our initial phases of implementation."
This program produces a group of community leaders equipped to work together in the areas of leadership, economic development, education, workforce development, and quality of life and place.
Communities involved are Beebe, Heber Springs, Cabot, Rosebud and Sherwood.
For more information about Uncommon Communities, view the link http://rockefellerinstitute.org/institute-programs/uncommon2020